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RGP PRODUCTIONS : Almost Home « What Now… » S2|E1

« What Now… »
After signing their record deal, DeJuan and Ryan are getting a taste of the good life…or so they think. As the months go by…the guys learn that being newly signed artists may not be all that they thought it would be.

Almost Home centers around Lisa and DeJuan, brother and sister who leave Chicago after the death of their mother for sunny, Southern California. Both seem to have their lives on track…but the move forces them to face their fears and make major life decisions. How far will family go to support one another…especially after tragedy. As Lisa and DeJuan navigate through their new lives, new passions are discovered. New friends are made and they grow to learn, you can build your own family wherever you are.

Directed and produced by Matthew A Cherry

Lenox Avenue’s creation was inspired by a need to fill the on-screen void of multicultural representation. With the current mainstream TV and film industry either lacking images of color or ignoring these images altogether, this series will not only represent a diverse array of images, it will do so by providing a balanced and multi-layered set of images.  The ultimate goal of the series is to broaden the view and scope of African American life on-screen and give opportunities to actors who are immensely underused and a viewing audience that is often disregarded.

Created, written and produced by Reagan Gomez Executive producer by Al Thompson